Race Type
1.15 2m. 4f. 5-y-o plus0 Declared Blackwater H´dle of €15,000.00 5-y-o plus
, 2nd - €2,550.00, 3rd - €1,200.00, 4th - €750.00 0 Declared
A hurdle race for five yrs old and upwards that, at entry, are rated 123 or less Weights - 5-y-o 11st; 6-y-o and up 11st 3lb; Mares allowed 5lb Penalties - (Handicaps excluded) to count from 27th April, 2008) Winner of a hurdle race 4lb extra; Of two hurdle races or hurdle races singly or collectively value E20,000 7lb extra
2009 Abandoned