Going updates It was a damp evening at Tramore for the Flat card yesterday, but the ground has held up well for the final day of the August Festival. The jumpers are back in action today and it's currently good, good to yielding in places. A little bit of of rain (up to 2mm approx.) is forecast before racing and fresh ground is available on both tracks. The first of seven races gets under way at 1.40pm, while it's an early start at Dundalk where the first of eight races is off at 1.00pm. Johnny Murtagh's Safecracker is favourite for the featured E45,000 'Red God' Handicap at 4.25pm. After 4mm of rain the ground at Roscommon is now yielding with a mainly dry forecast ahead of tomorrow's Flat meeting. There's a jumps card at Sligo on Tuesday evening and, following 8mm of rain since entries, the ground is now good. The forecast is unsettled with scattered showers.