Clearys back in the winning groove Tom Cleary hadn't got on the scoreboard since the Listowel Festival so it may not have been altogether surprising to see his son Rory get so animated crossing the line on their General Bunching in the finale at Dundalk, the iRadio Race Night Cooper O'Carroll Capalls Handicap. Now a three time winner here, General Bunching, also victorious at Naas back last summer, was backed from 7/1 into 11/2 on track for this assignment. He was noted travelling well before the straight and he found what was required under pressure to defeat Coach Bombay by a length and three parts. Tom Cleary said: "He's back on a mark that he's able to win off and things went right for him. "He broke okay and they went a good clip. He stayed at it well and hopefully he can win another one." (AM & EM)