Capitulation refuses to yield in Bellewstown Capitulation held on by the minimum margin at the end of a thrilling renewal of the juvenile maiden that got Bellewstown's card under way. The 9/1 shot went on from Chicago Soldier racing into the final furlong and was ridden to go and win her race. However, Butterfly Island loomed large on the outer and threw down her challenge in the closing stages. Capitulation and Chris Hayes were all out to hold on and did just that by a nose from the 7/1 runner-up. Chicago Soldier, the 4/5 favourite, gave best by a length and three parts off this battle in third. Trainer Ado McGuinness said: “She was very unlucky the last day in Leopardstown when she was flying home. “She wasn't in love with this track but Chris said despite that she stayed at it well. “It's great for the lads because there is a ten grand bonus there. That's the second one we've got this year so we'll have to shop at the yearling sales. “She didn't cost a whole pile of money. The lads are great loyal owners and we've been very lucky to get her. “We might sell her now, she's rock solid and there will be plenty of fun to be had with her. “She's a filly that could probably get in off bottom weight in the Birdcatcher or something like that if the ground was right.” Capitulation had been placed in two of her previous five appearances. Additional reporting by Gary Carson