update For the first time, since its inception 30 years ago, is no longer a part of the Irish Times Group. The website which began with basic Irish racing fixture information and race cards under the domain name has developed over the years into the resource you see today. The process is underway to find a new permanent home for the site and thanks to our suppliers, contributors and advertising partners you should see practically no changes when you access the site while that procedure takes place. The one exception is Brian O’Connor’s weekly blog which has been a constant on the site since 2009. Brian is, in my opinion, the best writer on horse racing we have in this country and his insightful, thought-provoking but always balanced blogs have made an important contribution not only to this site but to the industry as a whole over the last decade. Brian is racing correspondent with the Irish Times and you can continue to read his writings on horse racing at both and in the daily newspaper. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those across the Irish Times Group that have helped with the development and running of over the years. I would also like to acknowledge the contributions that you, our audience, have made to this site. The regular feedback we receive has played an important role in shaping the site into the version you see today. With hundreds of separate data feeds coming into the site on a daily basis it is often our audience that will spot an error first and that early warning system has helped to ensure the smooth performance of the site. Best Wishes Vincent