4.00 1m. 6f. 36yds. 13 Declared. Prix Du Calvados-cornulier Races Q3 - Monte - Group 2 of €120,000.00 6-y-o plus
1st - €75,600.00 2nd - €24,000.00 3rd - €12,000.00 4th - €8,400.00
Formscan - GAZELLE DE VAL (4) is imperious under the saddle, winning all 6 appearances in the mouinted category. She deserves a shot at this level and is good value to preseve her 100% record in this specialty. JASMINE DE VAU (1) and INTOUCHABLE (3), both of whom made pleasing introductions in the mounted code, and HALFA (5), with the form and experience in this category, are competitive for the leading places, and they will expose any chinks in th armour of the selection. IDEALE DU CHENE (13) and INA DU RIB (10) appeal most of the remainder.