Sean Joseph Allen
C Barber
James M Barcoe
James M Barrett
Michael Bell
E Bolger
J S Bolger
C Boultbee-Brooks
Colin Bowe
Martin Brassil
Darren Bunyan
K Burke
Padraig Butler
Sean Byrne
Mrs Gillian Callaghan
Jennie Candlish
John G Carr
Edward Cawley
D M Christie
R P Cody
Miss Tara Lee Cogan
Deborah Cole
Cian Michael Collins
B Connell
Barry Connell
Thomas Cooper
Thomas Corish
S R B Crawford
Gavin Patrick Cromwell
S Curling
Henry De Bromhead
J P Dempsey
Harry Derham
Eoin Doyle
P M J Doyle
Sean Thomas Doyle
Timothy Doyle
Tom Dreaper
Mrs A Dunn
William Durkan
Gordon Elliott
S England
Warren Ewing
James Andrew Fahey
Jarlath P Fahey
Mark Fahey
Peter Fahey
P A Fahy
Philip Fenton
Hugh Paul Finegan
Aidan Fitzgerald
Barry J Fitzgerald
D E Fitzgerald
Martin Paul Fitzgerald
William J Fitzpatrick
J P Flavin
Peter John Flood
Patrick T Foley
Mrs Lorna Fowler
Thomas Gibney
Paul John Gilligan
John F Gleeson
W J Greatrex
Eoin Griffin
Patrick Griffin
Ray Hackett
Josh Halley
Vincent Laurence Halley
F G Hand
John Joseph Hanlon
Mrs John Harrington
Nicky Henderson
Paul Hennessy
T Hogan
A J Honeyball
Anthony Honeyball
Miss L Horsfall
John & Jewell
Gerard Keane
David Harry Kelly
Liam Kenny
Aengus King
Neil King
Tom Lacey
Yvonne Latta
Kerry Lee
Charlie Longsdon
Peter Maher
James Joseph Mangan
A J Martin
C A McBratney
Mrs Caroline McCaldin
Anthony McCann
Eoin Christopher McCarthy
Ian McCarthy
John C McConnell
Michael J McDonagh
Oliver McKiernan
William J McLernon
Dermot Anthony McLoughlin
Andrew McNamara
E McNamara
Noel Meade
M A Molloy
A L T Moore
G L Moore
T Morgan
M F Morris
Anthony Mullins
Emmet Mullins
Ms Margaret Mullins
Thomas Mullins
W P Mullins
C A Murphy
Ciaran Murphy
Denis P Murphy
John Joseph Murphy
William P Murphy
T J Nagle Jr
Seamus Neville
Paul Nicholls
Paul Nolan
Shane Nolan
Charles O Brien
F M O Brien
Joseph Patrick O Brien
Sean O O Brien
Terence O Brien
Ian O Connor
Conor O Dwyer
E J O Grady
Con O Keeffe
R P O Keeffe
Jonjo O Neill
Ross O Sullivan
Eddie & Patrick Harty
B Pauling
R Phillips
Ryan Potter
Edward F Power
Paul Power
Declan Queally
P M Quinlan
Padraig Roche
H Rogers
P J Rothwell
Miss L Russell
Lucinda V Russell
John Patrick Ryan
Adrian Sexton
T F Shaw
D Skelton
Andrew Slattery
Matthew J Smith
R M Smith
Jonathan Sweeney
John E & Thomas Kiely
Nigel Twiston-Davies
M J Tynan
Robert Tyner
Barry John Walsh
T M Walsh
D K Weld
E Williams
Miss Venetia Williams
A Rated (IRE)
Aarons Day (IRE)
Act Of Innocence (IRE)
Adamantly Chosen (IRE)
Aeros Luck (IRE)
Air Of Entitlement (IRE)
Al Kalila (IRE)
Albaquirky (IRE)
Allegorie De Vassy (FR)
Ambitious Fellow (IRE)
American Mike (IRE)
American Money (IRE)
Angelo Dundee (IRE)
Anna Bunina (FR)
Anotherway (FR)
Answer To Kayf (GB)
Answering (IRE)
Antrim Coast (IRE)
Any Road (IRE)
Appreciate It (IRE)
Arctic Bresil (GB)
Arctic Gale (IRE)
Ardera Ru (IRE)
Argento Boy (IRE)
Artic Pearl (GB)
Ascending (IRE)
Ash Tree Meadow (FR)
Ashdale Bob (IRE)
Ashroe Diamond (IRE)
Asian Master (IRE)
Aslukwoodhavit (GB)
Asterion Forlonge (FR)
Ataboycharlie (IRE)
Atacanter (IRE)
Attaho (FR)
Aurora Vega (IRE)
Authorized Art (FR)
Avalo (IRE)
Baby Chou (IRE)
Backmersackme (IRE)
Backtonormal (IRE)
Balaclava (IRE)
Balko D ange (FR)
Ballyburn (IRE)
Ballycallan King (IRE)
Ballycashin (IRE)
Ballykeel (IRE)
Ballywilliam Boy (IRE)
Baltic Bird (GB)
Banbridge (IRE)
Barry Lyndon (IRE)
Batman Girac (FR)
Battle It Out (IRE)
Battle Of Mirbat (IRE)
Beachcomber (FR)
Beacon Edge (IRE)
Bestaline (FR)
Better Days Ahead (IRE)
Better Times Ahead (IRE)
Bialystok (IRE)
Big Debates (FR)
Big Dee (IRE)
Bill Baxter (IRE)
Billaway (IRE)
Billericay Dickie (IRE)
Billy Lee Swagger (IRE)
Binge Worthy (IRE)
Birchdale (IRE)
Black Bamboo (IRE)
Blackjack Magic (GB)
Blast Of Koeman (IRE)
Blizzard Of Oz (IRE)
Blood Destiny (FR)
Bodhisattva (IRE)
Bonny Dazzler (FR)
Born By The Sea (IRE)
Boss Robin (IRE)
Bottler secret (IRE)
Bowmore (IRE)
Bowtogreatness (IRE)
Brentford Hope (GB)
Brides Hill (IRE)
Brideswell Lad (IRE)
Broderick (IRE)
Broomfield Bijou (IRE)
Brown Monday (FR)
Brucejack (IRE)
Buddy One (IRE)
Bunting (FR)
Burrows Drive (FR)
Cadatharla (IRE)
Calico (FR)
Call Me Lyreen (IRE)
Canal End (IRE)
Cantico (IRE)
Capodanno (FR)
Captain Cody (IRE)
Captain Guinness (IRE)
Captains Nephew (IRE)
Carrig Padraig (IRE)
Casa No Mento (GB)
Casey West (IRE)
Cash Back (FR)
Cast A Spell (IRE)
Catena Zapata (IRE)
Cathys Quest (IRE)
Cato s Revenge (IRE)
Celtic Harmony (IRE)
Champella (IRE)
Chantry House (IRE)
Chapeau De Soleil (IRE)
Charlies Pride (IRE)
Chart Topper (FR)
Chateau Elan (IRE)
Chosen Witness (IRE)
Churchroad Prince (IRE)
Churchstonewarrior (IRE)
Cleatus Poolaw (GB)
Clever Currency (IRE)
Clever One (IRE)
Clonbury Bridge (IRE)
Clonmeen (IRE)
Club Manager (GB)
Coko Beach (FR)
Colcannon (IRE)
Colonel Mustard (FR)
Colonel Nelson (IRE)
Comfort Zone (IRE)
Coming Up Easy (IRE)
Commander Of Ten (IRE)
Como Park (IRE)
Confidential Gosip (IRE)
Conflated (IRE)
Conyers Hill (IRE)
Corach Rambler (IRE)
Coral River (IRE)
Cossack Chach (IRE)
Coyote Spirit (IRE)
Credo (IRE)
Cruz Control (FR)
Cuta Des As (FR)
D Art D Art (FR)
Da Capo Glory (IRE)
Daddy Long Legs (FR)
Dancing City (FR)
Dancing Jeremy (IRE)
Dark Note (GB)
De Nordener (IRE)
Decimation (IRE)
Dee Capo (FR)
Della Casa Lunga (IRE)
Digby (IRE)
Dino Roque (IRE)
Dinoblue (FR)
Diol Ker (FR)
Don Chalant (IRE)
Don tstopthemusic (IRE)
Donacheady Gale (IRE)
Down Around (IRE)
Dreal Deal (IRE)
Drumgill (IRE)
Duffle Coat (IRE)
Dysart Dynamo (IRE)
Eagle Fang (IRE)
East India Express (IRE)
Eastern Legend (IRE)
Echoes Of Family (IRE)
Eden Valley (IRE)
Effernock Fizz (IRE)
El Paso Wood (FR)
Elusive Prince (IRE)
Embassy Gardens (GB)
Embittered (IRE)
Endless Pursuit (IRE)
Enjoy D allen (FR)
Enniskerry (IRE)
Essential Part (IRE)
Faithful Follower (IRE)
Fameaftertheglory (GB)
Familiar Dreams (GB)
Famous Clermont (FR)
Fascile Mode (IRE)
Fastorslow (FR)
Fear The Deere (IRE)
Femme Magnifique (IRE)
Fenway Park (IRE)
Ferns Lock (GB)
Feu Du Bresil (FR)
Figaroc (FR)
Fil Dor (FR)
Final Orders (GB)
Finest Evermore (IRE)
Firefox (IRE)
Fishery Lane (FR)
Flanking Maneuver (IRE)
Fleur Au Fusil (FR)
Fountain House (IRE)
Fox Fearless (GB)
Foxy Jacks (IRE)
Fr Gilligansvoyge (GB)
Franciscan Rock (IRE)
Freemans Bay (IRE)
Fun Fun Fun (IRE)
Future Proof (IRE)
Gabbys Cross (IRE)
Gaelic Warrior (GER)
Gala Marceau (FR)
Galon De Vauzelle (FR)
Galopin Des Champs (FR)
Garahon (FR)
Garrybello (FR)
Genois (FR)
Gentleman de Mee (FR)
Gentlemansgame (GB)
Getamotive (IRE)
Getaway Charlie (IRE)
Ginny Weasley (GB)
Gino Drummer Boy (IRE)
Glan (IRE)
Glengouly (FR)
Global Export (IRE)
Gold Bullion (FR)
Goldinthemountains (FR)
Gorgeous Tom (IRE)
Gorthill (FR)
Got Glory (FR)
Gracesolution (IRE)
Grappa Nonino (IRE)
Gua Du Large (FR)
Haggard (IRE)
Half A Chance (IRE)
Hands Of Gold (IRE)
Hands On (IRE)
Harbour Highway (IRE)
Hardline (IRE)
Hardwired (IRE)
Harry s Dream (IRE)
Harrys Delight (IRE)
Harsh (GB)
He Fitz In (IRE)
Heather View (IRE)
Heffay (IRE)
Heliko Conti (FR)
Hercule Du Seuil (FR)
Hereditary Rule (IRE)
Hewick (IRE)
Hgranca De Thaix (FR)
High Class Hero (GB)
Highwind (FR)
Hispanic Moon (FR)
History Of Fashion (IRE)
Holly (FR)
Home By The Lee (IRE)
I Am Mimi (FR)
Iceberg Theory (IRE)
Idas Boy (IRE)
Il Etait Temps (FR)
Ile Atlantique (FR)
Immortal Fame (IRE)
Implicit (FR)
In D or (FR)
Indiana Jones (FR)
Instit (FR)
Interchangeable (GB)
Iris Emery (FR)
Irish Point (FR)
Its On The Line (IRE)
Ivy Hall (IRE)
Jackmoon (FR)
Jacob s Ladder (IRE)
James du Berlais (FR)
Jasko Des Dames (FR)
Jasmin De Vaux (FR)
Jay Bee Why (IRE)
Jeel Des Mottes (FR)
Jetara (IRE)
Jetoile (IRE)
Jigoro (FR)
Jimmy Du Seuil (FR)
John The Spark (GB)
Jonzac (FR)
Journey With Me (IRE)
Joyau De Thaix (FR)
Joyeux Machin (FR)
Judicieuse Allen (FR)
Jungle Cove (IRE)
Karacole (FR)
Kargese (FR)
Karl Des Tourelles (FR)
Keenaghan Lass (IRE)
Kilbarry Saint (FR)
Kilbeg King (IRE)
Killeemore Lad (IRE)
King Of Kingsfield (IRE)
King Rasko Grey (FR)
Kings Hill (IRE)
Kinturk Kalanisi (IRE)
Klarc Kent (FR)
Knockduff (IRE)
Knockiel Synge (IRE)
Kobalt St Georges (FR)
Koukeo (FR)
Lady Bluebird (IRE)
Landen Calling (IRE)
Lantry Lady (FR)
Lau And Shaz (IRE)
Lauro s Legend (IRE)
Lazer Wolf (IRE)
Lecky Watson (IRE)
Lets Go Champ (IRE)
Lifetime Ambition (IRE)
Little Trilby (GB)
Lonesome Boatman (FR)
Longhouse Poet (IRE)
Look It Up (GB)
Lord Erskine (IRE)
Lossiemouth (FR)
Lucky Lyreen (IRE)
Lucky Zebo (GB)
Lucy Wang (IRE)
Luminous Light (GB)
Ma Belle Etoile (IRE)
Macinamillion (IRE)
Magic McColgan (IRE)
Mandilou (IRE)
Maroto (IRE)
Mars Harper (GB)
Maskada (FR)
Masterboy Davis (FR)
Maxxum (IRE)
Mayor s Walk (IRE)
Me Wee Bonnie Lass (IRE)
Media Naranja (IRE)
Melbourne Shamrock (IRE)
Mephisto (IRE)
Mi Lucky Cailin (IRE)
Michael s Pick (IRE)
Mighty Bandit (IRE)
Mighty Jeremy (IRE)
Mighty Mo Missouri (IRE)
Mighty Tom (IRE)
Millstream Lady (IRE)
Minella Crooner (IRE)
Minella Post (GB)
Mirazur West (IRE)
Miss Agusta (IRE)
Miss Corby (IRE)
Miss Manzor (GB)
Mister Beeton (IRE)
Mister Frostie (IRE)
Mister Policeman (FR)
Mistergif (FR)
Mollys Mango (GB)
Monbeg Park (IRE)
Monkfish (IRE)
Mont Beuvray (IRE)
Montecam (IRE)
Montregard (FR)
Monty s Star (IRE)
Moonovercloon (IRE)
Morricone (IRE)
Mosaaheb (GB)
Mosstown Mill (IRE)
Mount Frisco (IRE)
Mousey Brown (IRE)
Mozzies Sister (IRE)
Mt Leinster (IRE)
Must Be Obeyed (IRE)
My Gaffer (IRE)
My Great Mate (IRE)
Mystical Power (IRE)
Napper Tandy (GB)
Nara (FR)
Neon Diamond (IRE)
Neveradullmoment (IRE)
New Year Honours (GB)
Nitty Gritty (IRE)
No Flies On Him (IRE)
No Looking Back (IRE)
Nowwhatdoyouthink (IRE)
Nurburgring (IRE)
Nusret (GB)
O Bon Pardon (FR)
O moore Park (IRE)
Ocastle Des Mottes (FR)
Olympic Man (FR)
Omniscient (GB)
On Lovers Walk (IRE)
One Last Tango (IRE)
Only By Night (IRE)
Ontheropes (IRE)
Our Girl Sal (IRE)
Outside The Door (IRE)
Paddy s Milestone (IRE)
Paggane (GB)
Park Of Kings (IRE)
Party Central (IRE)
Party Playboy (GER)
Path D oroux (FR)
Pats Choice (IRE)
Pavilion End (GB)
Peaches And Cream (IRE)
Pearl Of Grange (IRE)
Perceval Legallois (FR)
Pigeon House (IRE)
Pink In The Park (IRE)
Pinkerton (IRE)
Popova (IRE)
Port Joulain (FR)
Portville (IRE)
Predators Gold (FR)
Private Ryan (IRE)
Purse Price (GB)
Putapoundinthejar (IRE)
Queens Melody (IRE)
Queensbury Boy (IRE)
Quest With Speed (IRE)
Quint Major (IRE)
Rainbow Trail (FR)
Rare Edition (IRE)
Rath Gaul Boy (IRE)
Rathcannon Violet (IRE)
Read To Return (IRE)
Real Empire (GB)
Rebel Gold (IRE)
Redemption Day (GB)
Risk Belle (FR)
Rodney (IRE)
Roedora (IRE)
Romeo Coolio (GB)
Rowdy Romeo (IRE)
Royal Eagle (IRE)
Royal Rendezvous (IRE)
Royal Thief (IRE)
Rumi (GB)
Runcok (FR)
Rural Link (IRE)
Ryehill (IRE)
Saint Roi (FR)
Saint Sam (FR)
Samcro (IRE)
Samui (GB)
Samyr (FR)
Sandor Clegane (IRE)
Savant Du Mesnil (FR)
Scriabin (FR)
Seddon (IRE)
Sellerna Bay (IRE)
Sempo (IRE)
Senecia (IRE)
Sequestered (IRE)
Sermandzarak (FR)
Set Point (IRE)
Sharjah (FR)
Sharp Object (IRE)
Shuttle Diplomacy (FR)
Sign From Above (IRE)
Silver King (IRE)
Singing Banjo (IRE)
Sir Bob (IRE)
Sir Gerhard (IRE)
Sir Psycho (IRE)
Sire Du Berlais (FR)
Sixandahalf (IRE)
Slade Steel (IRE)
Smooth Scotch (IRE)
Smooth Tom (IRE)
So Scottish (FR)
Solness (FR)
Solsbury Hill (IRE)
Somptueux (FR)
Sounds Victorius (IRE)
Spanish Harlem (FR)
Speculatrix (GB)
Spillane s Tower (IRE)
Spindleberry (IRE)
Spirit Of Legend (FR)
Staffordshire Knot (IRE)
State Man (FR)
Stateofenlightment (IRE)
Stellar Story (IRE)
Stellar Stow (IRE)
Stellar Symphony (IRE)
Stoke The Fire (IRE)
Storm Heart (FR)
Streamstown Bay (IRE)
Streets Of Doyen (IRE)
Striking (FR)
Struck By Churchil (GB)
Stumptown (IRE)
Stuzzikini (IRE)
Subset (IRE)
Summerville Boy (IRE)
Sun Joy (FR)
Supreme Jet (IRE)
Sutherland (IRE)
Switch From Diesel (IRE)
Syracus Du Houx (FR)
Tactical Move (IRE)
Teahupoo (FR)
Tech Talk (IRE)
Telmesomethinggirl (IRE)
The Blind Piper (IRE)
The Dasher Conway (IRE)
The Diddler (IRE)
The Folkes Tiara (IRE)
The Goffer (IRE)
The Gradual Slope (IRE)
The Lovely Man (IRE)
The Other Mozzie (IRE)
The Passing Wife (GB)
The Shantou King (IRE)
The Very Man (IRE)
The Wallpark (IRE)
The Yellow Clay (IRE)
Theatre Native (IRE)
Theflyingbee (IRE)
Thisistheway (IRE)
Three By Two (IRE)
Three Card Brag (IRE)
Timeless Piece (IRE)
Tipp For Mac (IRE)
Toss Again (IRE)
Toto Too (IRE)
Tounsivator (FR)
Tradecraft (IRE)
Transprint (GB)
Tullyhill (FR)
Tune In A Box (IRE)
Typical Thomas (IRE)
Uncle Phil (IRE)
Union Park (FR)
Unknown Entity (IRE)
Upping The Anti (IRE)
Vaucelet (FR)
Vintage Red (IRE)
Vital Island (IRE)
W B Easy (IRE)
Walhaan (IRE)
Walk Away Harry (IRE)
War Correspondent (IRE)
Watch House Cross (IRE)
Watch The Weather (GB)
Waterford Whispers (IRE)
West Away (IRE)
Western Walk (IRE)
Western Zara (IRE)
Westport Cove (FR)
What Path (FR)
Whatcouldhavebeen (IRE)
Whiskeywealth (IRE)
Will Do (IRE)
Will The Wise (IRE)
William Munny (IRE)
Wine An Dine (GB)
Wingmen (IRE)
World Of Dreams (IRE)
Yeshil (IRE)
You Oughta Know (IRE)
Your Own Story (IRE)
Zanoosh (IRE)
Zoffanien (IRE)
Zulu Mike (IRE)