Jess A Chicks (USA)-Memory Crest(Leaving Memories)
(Lopez, Dinorah And Andrade, Omar)
Rated 52
Bodacious Dash (USA)-Dashing Dion(Heza Fast Man)
(Alfonso Cruz)
Rated 36
Carters Cartel (USA)-Hiclass Attitude(Chicks Beduino)
(Tony Sedillo)
Rated 63
Favorite Cartel (USA)-Sereni Tea Rose(First Down Dash)
Rated 67
Furyofthewind (USA)-Jess A Queen(Gold Medal Jess)
(Felipe Astorga)
Rated 80
First Wrangler (USA)-Zavona(Azoom)
(Onesimo Hernandez)
Rated 69
Crusin Corona (USA)-Sweetie Pie Lisa(Dash For Famous)
(Leroy Salazar)
Rated 56
Jess Louisiana Blue (USA)-Kokko Wagon(Pyc Paint Your Wagon)
(Marcos Portillo)
Rated 68
One Sweet Jess (USA)-Rrunaway Chick(Ocean Runaway)
(Hrabovsky, James Ray And Nalls, Joye Leann)
Rated 64
Gone To The Mountain (USA)-Spice Girl(Sum Fun To Bet)
(Tony Perea)
Rated 69
Symbols Explained
bl2 Blinkers bo2 Blinkers one cowl e2 Ear Plugs hd2 Hood p2 Pacifier pc2 Pacifier with cowls ps2 Pacifier one cowl sr2 Shadow Roll cp2 Cheekpiece co2 Cheekpiece one side tt2 Tongue Tie vs2 Visor sb2 Sheepskin Browband cc2 Cornell Collar xb2 Crossed Nose Band cd2 Course and Distance Winner c2 Course Winner d2 Distance Winner bf Beaten Favourite on Last Run
The superscript number on headgear bl2 indicates number of times worn. A plus bl+ indicates more than 10 times where as red background bl1indicates first time.